
Authentically found

This term I am taking a film class called " There will be blood - Outlaws and dreamers in Post Modern American Cinema"

This class includes not one but two Jim Jarmusch films. ( broken flowers and DEAD MAN !!!)

The rest of the list is:

Badlands ( Terrence Malick)
Barton Fink ( the coens)
Adaptation( Spike Jonze/ Kaufmann)
Magnolia ( PT Anderson)
Days of Heaven ( Malick)
The man who wasn't there ( Coen Bros again ! )
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind ( Kaufmann and Gondry)
There Will be Blood ( PT Anderson)

I have seen most of these but years ago. I can't wait for Round Two and Discussions !!

Image authentically found from here


  1. That sounds sooo good.
    Savour these moments, my love.

  2. this is basically the film class i would teach if i could omg omg so good sooo goood dead man !!!!!!!!

  3. I love both of you.
    My minxes !!

