
Riyadh Architecture

I keep thinking about Riyadh's modern buildings. They are aesthetically very interesting. To me, they seem more like giant symbols than actual buildings. But symbols of what ?

Maybe its symbolic of how I am watching too much Twin Peaks.


  1. The middle east,more precisely the Arabic phallic symbol.Totally unimpressed .Mom

  2. Couldn't you also call the Eiffel tower a phallic symbol or the leaning tower of Pisa or the empire state building.

  3. I just happened upon your blog through looking for the buildings in Riyadh, but thought I would comment for ya. The company I work for has business in the UAE and Riyadh has a very interesting balance. The tribes and rulers are really working to create progress and technology advances in that part of the world, but they are set amongst a very rigid religious and tradition set world. The towers are to show the city, and world, of their progression and tech advances.

