
America and the Middle East

This whole "Imax propaganda" experience made me go back to a book called " The Modern Middle East: A History" by James L Gelvin.

It was a textbook for a modern middle east history course I took in second year. Let me a share an excerpt I found interesting and enlightening.

These charges represent the perception of America in the minds of many in the Middle East, even those who abhor Bin Laden and his tactics. George W. Bush claimed that so called Islamic extremists hate America because of its freedoms. Actually, many in the region hate what they perceive to be American arrogance and hypocrisy. In their view, America claimed benevolent intentions while it maintained sanctions on Iraq with devastating results; it dons the mantle of justice while it supports Israel's war against Palestinians; it sheds crocodile tears for human rights while it cozies up to every kin and tinhorn dictator, from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, who will advance U.S interests; it takes pride in its repudiation of imperialism while it maintains troops in the region "just in case".


Make an Imax movie about this statement, I dare you Greg MacGillivray! I double dare you !

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