
Ideas for Joshua's future revolution

I think I might make this a re-occurring segment.

1. Become Russian because reading Dostoevsky is way more broody and dark than reading Atwood. Revolutionaries have to be inspired by reading though perhaps in your case the exception for film watching could be made.

2. Get a photo of you and your comrades ( because if you are Russian you can use the term comrades) lopping off a head of a statue. In your case probably one of Edison or Tesla ? The bigger the head the better. The grainier the photo the better. Be in it looking broody wearing some kind of trench, or army trench.


  1. Like ''Bonjour'',Dostoevski can not be used in the same sentence with with that pretentious broad Margaret.Total aberration.Shouldn't read your blog before going to bed.MOM

  2. Everything related to Joshua's revolution should be brooding and dark. I'm thinking more Notes from the Underground, less Handmaid's Tale.

  3. Dear,'' Joshua now and then'', Au revoir.

