It is key the reference to childhood remains as innocence and sweet as possible.
Example: Dead body somewhere on a street or sidewalk with slow pooling blood. This filmic image is one we have seen many times. Now add the sound of kids playing and laughing instead of silence while doing your slow zoom. We all know directors love to slow zoom on pooling blood. The mistake would be to try and make the children laugh in a creepy manner. The situation juxtaposition should be eerily sufficient.
Creepy image +creepy childhood laughter= too much creepy I am not buying it.
I know this method is probably Cliche by now but it still works on me. There is something about childrens playground sounds and carnival sounds that can only add to already quasi creepy scenes.
Example #2: The camera is some horrifying creature's point of view, lurking towards its human victim in some haunty type house. While showing the creature moving at super human speeds through a maze of hallways and stairs cue in childrens laughter. Then once the Victim is in shot quickly and perfectly centered, clean cut the sound and movement both at once.
Tarkvosky is using these dog/ childhood bells in order to add that nice extra layer of creepy in the intro to the Solaris space staition. He has that innocence chimey sound signify the presence of an eight year old girl who is not human but rather a ghostly alien visitor.
He reminded me of how great opposition works. Though my examples have probably been done to death I think sounds/ objects from a pleasant childhood only seek to enchance an eerie atmosphere.
Yes, This is what I think about on 4 hours of sleep on a very stressful day.

What does this photo have do with anything ? Who let me have a blog ?
Don't they have secret police for monitoring this shit, yet ?
Finally,you popped up? I LOVE BLOGS,I LOVE YOU