

Currently I am watching Wit (2001) . Which is a very upsetting movie almost as upsetting as the novella it is based on loosley, Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886). It is 10pm here but lets be honest with this daylight saving stuff I feel it is 1am. I am crying because the main character played maginificently by Emma Thompson is having a whole" I regret all the mistakes in my life" moment.
Nothing could make me more upset but then watching someone have regrets. Regret is the worst. Because it is just heart wrenchingly painful, it is a realization that what is done can not be undone. Time is a theif ! A dirty sleezy thief ! It takes and does not give back!

Just be clear, the constant quoting of John Donne's poetry by Emma Thompson makes this film good. However the camera movement, lighting and general mis-en-scene is average. It has the ususal end of life movie gimmicks flashbacks and it is trying to be all Brechtian breaking the fourth wall. But it is worth watching.

I wanted to call someone ( I am using gmail as phone, Thank you Google). But Who? Who will I call ? I need someone to make me stop sobbing ? Someone needs to say something resassuring!

Best friend: In the East of the second largest country in the world. Also don't know phone number. Furthermore, May be sleeping, something about time difference.

Sister: Divorced. Can not contact her due to neverending grudge... Will I regret this in the end .. Not helping situation.

Boyfriend: Upisland. 90% chance asleep. 95% chance if awake grumpy and doesnt want to talk.

MUM: Great Idea ! Mom is the best to talk too when confronting the regrets one faces at the end of life: fear of death.
My mum is the #1 greatest person to talk when having metaphysical crisis. Seemingly more sympathetic during metaphysical crisis than real world issues. Must be a matter of priorities. Also catchphrase " reality is as perceived, darling!/

Ring Ring

Dad: Hello

Kim: Hey Dad, Is Mum there?

Dad: Your muddar is out. I was just talking to the cat.

Kim: What did you say to the cat ?

Dad: I said Hi Cat. What else do you say to a cat ? Cats aren't very opinionated. You can't get too complicated so I leave it at Hi Cat.

Kim: What did the Cat say ?

Dad: What did THE CAT say? What do you think the cat said? What she always says ! Meow Meow Meow

Kim: (laughs) That makes sense.

Dad: What did you want to talk your muddar about ?

Kim: ( a long story about regrets at end of life, cancer, summarizing Tolstoy, summarizing the plot to the movie Wit etc.. )

Dad: Everyone has regrets at the end of life thats unavoidable. And don't get too worried about cancer by the time your my age they will have cured cancer. They are making advancements all the time. If I am still up when your mum comes home, I will tell your Muddar that Kimmy called and needs her mommy.

Kim: Thanks Dad

Surprisingly this made me feel so much better. Dads, They are just perfect. Especially in situations you never thought they would be.

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