

Victor and I looking at Canada Goose products in the Capital Iron.

Kim: " Hey Victor, You know about health food potions and stuff right?"

Victor: " Yes I most certainly do"

Kim: " What should I take if my skin looks less bright and I feel sad ?"

Victor: " Get some Vitamin D pills. It may be lack of sun = lack of vitamin D. Normally take one a day but at this time of the year you could take 2 or 3 if you needed to."

Kim: " Vitamin D, that sounds good."

Victor: " Oh and fish oil. Fish oil could help too. Good for the skin, get some omega fats in ya."

Kim: " Like cod liver oil that the grannies take ?"

Victor: " Or Wild Salmon oil, thats pretty good."

Kim: " Okay I can do that."

Victor: " Oh and there is this lamp..."

Kim interrupts : " NO! Screw the lamp."

Victor: " ?"

Kim: " I draw the line at fish oil. I am not purchasing magical lamps. That is too far. I have boundaries. I will not be a lamp person. "

Victor: " Ok you are not a lamp person. "

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