
My English Country Garden

Imagine me tending to my plants to this song.

There is nothing sexier than a man who knows his flowers names. Thought there be no creppy crawlies in my gardens. Also when he is naming the insects why does he says snakes? I mean snakes aren't insects Jimmie but you are pardoned since you asked for it in advanced.

The first two photo are of my thyme. The Thyme Kiera gave me and the new golden lemon thyme I bought recently. It is a natural deer detterent! Not that I have that problem in my living room. It will taste good on fish dishes.

Then here I have the two photos of my new dill plant that I am growing from a seed. It is spurting in the right hand corner. I planted it five days ago and it is taking off. It is dill mammoth and enjoyed a directed seeding which means it prefers to planted directly into its new garden bed so that it is never moved. It will also be delicious.

This my new Provence Lavender Herb plant. It will taste great in salads and desserts. The leaves are very aromatic and one day soon there will be beautiful purple flowers !

These are my baby seedlings that I have planted. The forest of lemon basil is doing really well. I waiting for two more leaves to grow before transplanting to its own pot. The other side is rosemary it is slowly coming up. The mistake I made when I planted seeds the first time was not soaking the seeds in water. Now that I have soaked the seeds in luke warm water for two days they germinate incredibly fast!

These are my inroom plants. Polka dot plant is hiding in the the back you may remeber her from other posts. Peppermint plant is the new addition to the room. In fore ground are the tulips my mom bought me to make me feel better. They are beautiful and make me happy in the morning. Both Polka and peppermint don't need full light so I decided having them in the planter box with the plants that demand full light is silly. They are with me in the par shade. Peppermint is also very aromatic and pleasant.


  1. Aw Kimmy you and your flowers....too adorable...

  2. There are a lot of things sexier than a man who knows his flowers' names.

  3. yea knowing the insect names and bird names too !
    While playing guitar.

