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Good quotes from professors so far:

" I sincerely doubt that 200 yrs from now people will look back at twilight and call it a great work of literature. I know this may affect my score on the teacher evaluation forms but I have to say it."
- Prof Dolf History of the Soviet Union

"In the meantime, don't worry about missing class. There's very little chance you missed the most spectacular lecture of the year. God, I hope that wasn't the best one of the year."
-Prof Parry Modern art in Cinema

" I am regarding this evening as an evening off. I expect to watch movies I have meant to see and then hear your brilliant opinions and observations afterwards. You will say brilliant and insightful things, right?"
- Prof Yekelchyk Russia imagines herself through films and novels.


  1. "You will say brilliant and insightful things, right?"

    LOL GOOD ONE. As if university students have brilliant and or insightful things to say.

  2. nice article for univ..........

