
Allergies to seasons rock.

Oh wait they don't not even a little bit.
Every year around this time I get allergy symptoms.

I am not sure if it is something in the air or in my house but I do know it is in my nose.
My eyes are red and puffy. My voice nasally.

Claritin is my only drug of choice and it barely does anything.
The only time I didnt feel symptoms was when I was in the ocean. The salt water cleared my sinuses. It would take effect almost instanteously after my first duck dive of the session.

Maybe I am just allergic to land.


  1. Sweetie ,you are not a alone.Macky the cat has boats of sneeze ,does it mean she is amphibian?You are not a siren,you might look like one ,but as your mother I ASSURE you are terrestrial. Don't take this news,very hard,just get used with this idea slowly.I INSIST ,SLOWLY,for we don't want any thing to traumatic.Much love

  2. this time of year, i am very allergic to chestnut trees, no joke. i'm willing to bet those guys are what's causing you all the trouble as they are all over victoria.

  3. Thank you Vero !
    At least I have an idea of what it is. I spent most of the weekend cleaning thinking it was dust.
    Not that intense cleaning ever hurt anyone.

